MelJet Boeing 777-200 Paint Kit - GE
Boeing 777-200 for FS2002 Version 1.0. This rendition of the 777 has been completely built from scratch in
GMax for FS2002 and features a 32-sided fuselage and engines; brand new "maintenance mode" featuring
opening engine cases, deployable Ram Air Turbine, opening gear bay doors on ground, opening Captain's
window; virtual cabin (Business Class); Folding Wings; Flexing Wings; dynamic wingviews; animated reversers
with animated fan air blocker doors; see through engines; animated landing gear with fully modeled struts and
hydraulic pistons, also featuring animated flexible gear hoses; animated flaps, slats, ailerons, elevators, and
spoilers with animated hydraulic pistons; advanced logic nosegear and maingear steering; animated primary
and secondary rudder; dynamic shine and reflective surfaces; 3D APU; 3D gear, flap, slat bays; seamless
wing-root fairing; dimensioned to high accuracy; accurate flight dynamics; extremely detailed all round. By
Melvin Rafi (

Premission to change any of the files within this download should be allowed by Meljet!

Repaint done By stefan van Hierden!

Repaint is copiright protected and it is not allowed to use any of the repaint files within this download.
Only if you are allowed after you email "Stefan van Hierden"!

Stefan van Hierden:


Extract this file onto your hard disk! After you did that "CUT" the map into your aircraft map in your FS2k2 main map!

Have fun!